
Good morning!
Please answer the following warm-up questions in English.
(1) How do you spell your name in English?
(2) When did you get up this morning?
(3) Tell me one interesting thing you did yesterday. For example, I finished reading a book in the afternoon and returned it to the library.
Please text your answers, or write them on a sheet of paper and send me a photo.
By the way, The Survival Game presented by Umeji Eigo Juku has already begun.
Your goal is to complete all the assignments I give you from Monday through Friday without missing deadlines.
Meeting deadlines is important for your survival. WARNING: If you miss deadlines three times, it will be reported to your parent!
PLEASE REPLY NOW. As soon as I receive your answers to the warm-up questions, I will give you today’s assignments.
- 前の記事
2020年4月18日の感謝日誌 2020.04.19
- 次の記事
昨日から遠隔指導が始まりました 2020.04.21