A report on the Nov. 4 visit to Perry High School

As a special project of Umeji Eigo Juku (English School), I visited MC Perry High School on MCAS Iwakuni the other day (November 4, 2019) with two students of mine. I would like to thank the teachers and students at Perry School for kindly welcoming us.
On that day, my students participated in Japanese classes, introduced Japanese culture, watched presentations given by Perry School students about American culture, and played games with them. We also went on a tour of the school building, and we learned a lot from the experience.
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Here are some comments made by the students who visited Perry HS on that day.
I introduced shogi at Perry School, learned about the lives of the students on the US military base, and enjoyed playing games. Since I was immersed in English, I was able to brush up my English. It reminded me of visiting Malaysia on a study tour. The amount of information I gained in English from American students was enormous, and I felt as if I were in a foreign country. (11th grader)
ペリースクールで将棋を紹介したり、米軍基地の生徒の生活について聞いたり、レクリエーションを楽しんだりしました。英語漬けで 活動したので英語のブラッシュアップになりました。以前マレーシ アへ研修に行ったときのことを思い出しました。相手から英語で得 る情報量がすごく多くて、外国そのものでした。(2年生 生徒様)
I went to the US military base for the first time. When I passed through the main gate, the atmosphere suddenly changed even though I was still in Iwakuni City, Yamaguchi Prefecture. I was really excited to find myself in a foreign country! In addition, I felt very happy as a Japanese because the students taking Japanese classes actively spoke Japanese and were interested in Japanese culture. I hope that we will keep in touch and have a good relationship for a long time. It was fun! (12th grader)
初めて米軍基地に行きましたが、山口県岩国市内なのに正門を通ったら一気に雰囲気が変わって異国!って感じで、すごくドキドキワクワクしました。また、日本語のクラスを取っている生徒たちが積極的に日本語を話してくれたり、日本文化に興味を持ってくれたりして、一日本人として、とても嬉しく感じました。これからも交流を続けて、より良い関係が末永く続くことを望みます。楽しかったです!(3年生 生徒様)
I thank the students for taking part in this project, and their parents for allowing them to do so. I also had fun!
PS: This is a photo of a shuriken I folded. I found out that it is called a ninja star in English by asking a Perry School student, “What do you call this in English?” 🙂
追記:わたしが折った手裏剣(しゅりけん)です。英語では a ninja star と言うそうです。ペリースクールの生徒さんに “What do you call this in English?” と尋ねて教えてもらいました。(笑)
- 前の記事
誰にでも必ず長所がある 2019.11.13
- 次の記事
江戸家小猫さんの講演を聴きました 2019.11.15