★うめじ英語塾 お問い合わせフォーム★





スクリプトを載せますが、うめじ英語塾らしく、カッコ穴埋め問題にしてみました(笑)。Are you ready? Please listen and fill in the blanks.

Dear Students,
Hi! I’m Tetsuro Umeji. I am an English teacher living in Kudamatsu City. Having taught English at public high schools for over a quarter of a century, I have decided to start something (  1  ).

I am happy to announce that Umeji Eigo Juku is now open for business. I love teaching English, and I am excited about this new adventure. I sincerely hope that you will join me on this (  ) journey.

When it comes to having fun learning English, Umeji Eigo Juku is the (  3  ) to be. See you soon!


Answer Keys: 1. new  2. exciting  3. place  できましたか? 拍手!