★うめじ英語塾 お問い合わせフォーム★




スクリプトを載せますが、うめじ英語塾らしく、カッコ穴埋め問題にしてみました(笑)。Are you ready? Please listen and fill in the blanks.

Hi. Thank you so much for visiting this website. I’m Tetsuro Umeji, and this is Umeji Eigo Juku. Did you know Umeji Eigo Juku will be (  1  ) years old in June, 2022? I love teaching English, so this has been my (  2  ) come true. If you want to learn English with me, why don’t you come to Umeji Eigo Juku? Let’s enjoy this exciting journey (  3  ). See you soon!


Answer Keys: 1. three 2. dream 3. together できましたか? 拍手!