映画『 イエスタデイ』を観ました
- 2019.12.02
- 塾長日誌

One of the best ways to learn English, besides coming to Umeji Eigo Juku, is to watch movies in English. So, I went to see Yesterday at Movix Shunan yesterday. It is a romantic comedy released this year (2019), featuring lots of the Beatles’ songs. Though the premise of the movie―an aspiring singer wakes up after a traffic accident to find himself being the only one in the world who knows the iconic band from Liverpool―is a bit far-fetched, if you’d like to get a healthy dose of laughter, it is worth suspending disbelief and jumping into this alternative universe created with a fabulous sense of humour. If you want to have fun learning English, I strongly recommend this song-filled celebration of the British band and true love, in addition to Umeji Eigo Juku, that is. Haha.
- 前の記事
2019年11月30日の業務日誌 2019.12.01
- 次の記事
PPAP, that is, Practice, Practice, and Practice 2019.12.03